We seek and create beauty, giving shape to all sorts of dreams.
To do this, we have chosen one of the most widespread, highest-performance minerals in nature: quartz.
Its special texture conserves the secret of our products’ durability:
expertly combined with resin, engineered quartz by Stone Italiana retains the essence of this mineral, preserving the material’s characteristics and its ability to last over the course of time.
With high levels of resistance to scratches, stains and impacts, it ensures elevated standards of hygiene, in addition to its familiar ease of care and cleaning.
Starting from a range of colors that is in itself naturally varied and sophisticated, Stone Italiana conducts experimental research in order to create innovative hues and customized granulometries, in cutting-edge solutions meeting all sorts of different design requirements, utilising a sustainable manufacturing process.
Stone Italiana S. P. A. Tax Code | VAT No. | Company Reg. No. Di VR IT 00684880230 | share capital Euro 10,000.000 paid up Euro 8,570.099.95 | R. E. A. Verona 150830